Tempting Clover (The Trouble With Elves Book 2) Read online

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  She’d almost made it to the dwelling when an old woman rushed out the front door and held her hand out in a stop position. Clover slowed and halted just before the woman. Her hair was long gray-silver, unkept, and free. She wore a heavy purple robe and her eyes squinted at Clover. Wrinkles graced her face.

  “You did not just follow those sprites to my door.” Both a statement and a question, her voice cracked as the words rushed from her mouth.

  Clover had no idea what to say. “I...I didn’t know where you lived.”

  The old woman swatted her hand out as if dismissing Clover’s words. “Slug slime! That’s no excuse to follow sprites. Now I must rid you of their pix.”

  “Their what?” Clover looked down as if something might be on her, but she didn’t see anything. Before she found breath to question the witch again, her toes crunched together and her shoes split apart. Hooves came out instead of her feet. “Oh crap—” She fell on her ass. She had elfing hooves as her feet.

  “Pix. Those things are worse than termites. Stand up, you fool.”

  Right, because that was easy on hooves. Clover bent her knees and wobbled, but came to a somewhat standing position. She teetered and wondered how she’d explain this to Malik. Hooves were not the kind of thing he wouldn’t notice.

  “Turn in a circle and say ‘dilly-dally nincompoop.’”

  “Excuse me?”

  “Say it, unless you want to turn into a donkey, or a horse. I can’t tell which they chose just yet.”

  Clover turned in a circle and said, “Dilly-dally nincomepoop.” feeling like a complete elfling.

  The woman snapped her fingers and the hooves magically turned back into feet leaving a tingling sensation on the soles. Sadly, her shoes did not return. “Why couldn’t you snap your fingers and make it go away before I got hooves and such. Were those words some kind of enchanted helper?”

  The woman raised an eyebrow, smiled, and said, “I could have. But I had more fun making a fool out of you. It’s not like I get visitors often. Which brings me to why you are here.”

  Clovers mouth dropped. The woman acted crazy. “You mean you let that happen to me?”

  “Yes, yes, now get on with why you’re here, child.”

  Clover straightened. “I’ve been cursed by a goblin, Malik. Are you Idis, the sage witch?”

  “Yes.” Idis wrinkled her brow.

  “I’ve heard you might be able to help me, to break the curse.” Clover rubbed her hands together. What would she do if Idis refused to help? No, she couldn’t think like that. She had to believe this witch would help her. She couldn’t be his pet any more. She needed released, in more ways than one.

  “Malik you say. He is a strong one. Ugly as frog shit too. Come on in for some tea, child.” Idis turned and walked inside.

  Clover followed at her heels, noting her surroundings. The hut was simple. Leaf walls made in several layers to keep the weather out, a thatched roof, and inside she had a fire hole with a kettle over the top. A bed rested in the corner, and a small round table with one chair sat by the door. Idis shuffled over and plucked the kettle off the fire. She rummaged in a box and pulled out two wooden cups.

  “What kind of curse did he twist on you?” Idis handed the cup over to Clover.

  It warmed her hands and the steam coming off smelled of Jasmine blossoms and honey. “He takes my sexual desire and cooks it into a potion in order to change his appearance to human form. I’ve been in his debt for two years. I stayed in his home one night, out of the rain. I wish I would have remained outside in the weather.” Clover sipped the warm liquid. It slid down her throat and her nerves calmed.

  “That tricky beast. Not an easy curse to lift. We’ll need several things before I can even try to untwist so strong a curse. Plus the help of Mother Earth.”

  “I’ll get whatever you need.”

  “You need a piece of Malik, ginger root, basil leaves, deadly nightshade berries, and a lover’s kiss.”

  Clover raised her eyebrows. “Deadly nightshade berries. Couldn’t those kill me?”

  “More than likely. However, we need its strength to help my magic unwind the twisted enchantment he put on your soul and as an offering of trust to Mother Earth for her help. For that, only deadly nightshade berries will work. We only need three. I have faith your body will handle three measly berries well enough. And for what Mother and I are helping you with, you should give freely of yourself, up to the magic. You must give in order to take; it’s the law of nature. There’s always a price, and Mother will claim it dead or alive.”

  Clover gulped down a drink of the tea. How come everything she’d had to do today could kill her? “I assume I have to pick them all from the elven realm, fresh, so to speak?”

  “You are smart, Child. There’s hope for you.” Idis gave a broad grin, almost an approval.

  “Then what do I do? I mean, once I have everything?” She wasn’t even sure she could get everything without Malik noticing.

  “Bring it back to me.”

  “You mean I have to almost drown again in order to get back here. Great.” Clover ran fingers through her tangled hair.

  Idis chuckled. “I can give you a touch of magic to bring you back when you need it.” Idis snapped her fingers and a pouch appeared in the air before Clover. “Now off you go, before your Goblin finds you gone.” The pouch floated down into Clover’s hands, it barely weighed anything at all.

  “Thank you, and for the record, he’s not my goblin.” Clover felt herself pulled into the nether with the taste of jasmine clinging to the back of her mouth. She rematerialized just inside Malik’s cottage. She didn’t move for a moment, listening for sounds of the goblin. Certain he wasn’t home, she walked back to her room and hid the pouch in the bed.

  Chapter Seven

  It had been nearly two weeks, and he hadn’t seen Hazel Eyes anywhere. That didn’t keep his thoughts from roaming over her. Every night he’d come to the bar and waited, hoping and dreading her arrival. He’d talked himself out of banning her from the bar—too curious to follow through with that. She’d stood up to him, almost devoured him, or at least he imagined she had. He wanted to know more and almost begged Mother Earth for her to saunter through his glass doors.

  He’d imagined it every night. Fantasized her coming in right before the bar closed. How her hips would sway when she pushed the doors open. He’d look up from cleaning tables and their eyes would meet. He’d know what she wanted, what she came for. She wanted him to punish her, or perhaps he wanted her to punish him. He wasn’t quite sure how he wanted it to play out, but either way, her clothes would find the floor and—

  “Excuse me, bartender?”

  “Yeah, what can I get for ya?” He asked the elf standing at the bar. He had to quit imagining things about the elfess. His cock had hardened against his jeans and he reprimanded his dirty mind, encouraging thoughts of anything but the woman with hazel eyes. Instead, he focused on his customer. Short and what was he...balding? He didn’t even know elves could go bald. Perhaps his parent had mated with a human. Elves generally didn’t lose hair and had a natural beauty about them.

  “Just a bitter,” the elf said. He threw two coppers on the bar. Reed poured the bitter in a wooden cup and handed it over the counter. The man walked off heading to a table filled with what Reed could only assume were friends. A bunch of guys knocking them back and having some laughs.

  Reed had never been one of those kinds of elves. He’d had friends over the years, but no one real close. He’d grown up without his mother. She died in childbirth, and his dad had always been the cold and aloof kind of father. The one that wants their son to never cry and to be strong, stoic, in all things. It was ingrained in his system and having an elfess break down that barrier, all new territory.

  “Hey, Reed. Your ladies’ room needs tending. Why don’t you hire yourself a waitress or something?” a red head asked giving him a come-hither smile. Her cleavage pushed out as she leaned over the counter seek
ing his undivided attention. “I’m always available.” She showed up regularly, and he remained uninterested.

  “Thanks, sweetheart, but I can handle it.”

  “I bet you can.” Her green eyes roamed over his body. Reed suppressed a shudder. A pretty lady but she’d been around a few elf trees, and he wouldn’t go there. Slugs didn’t even know what disease she might carry.

  “Excuse me a moment. Hey Leaf!” Reed hollered to his bouncer.

  “Yeah boss?”

  “Watch the counter.” Leaf nodded, and Reed headed for the ladies’ room. He pushed open the door a little and called out, “Anyone in here?” No one answered. He walked inside, turned, and locked the door. The red head was right; the trash had overfilled. He removed the bag, tied it off, and replaced it with a new one from under the sink. He double-checked the stalls, just to be sure nothing else needed done, and then headed back out toward the bar with the trash. He veered left right before the counter. It led down a dimly lit hallway and to a back door exit. The trash bins were right outside the door. He pushed the exit open, swung the bag out, and returned to his station.

  He’d barely grabbed a rag to wipe down some spilled drinks on the bar when the sweet spicy smell of cinnamon caught his attention. He straightened slowly and watched his hand bring the cloth up to the counter. His sight raised to a tight black mini skirt attached to long tan legs. Further up showed a little skin on her midriff before the blue blouse covered everything. Tan smooth cleavage drew him in and he resisted as his gaze finally met hazel eyes. Her. His mouth went dry. A perfect pink smile rested on her delicate features. How’d he not notice them before? He kept his own features as smooth and unfeeling as possible. He had to remember she was the kind of female who had many men. Not just one. The thought sobered him.

  “What can I get for you, Elfess?”

  She cocked her brow. “I have a name you know. It’s Clover. And I want a bitter this time.”

  Why’d she have to tell him her name? He shrugged his shoulder, pulled the tap, and poured her a bitter. “Two coppers.”

  Clover took two coppers from her purse and handed them out to him. Reed reached his palm out, gesturing for her to drop the money in his hand. Instead, she set them there allowing their hands to touch. A soft caress, her fingertips lingered, tickling the center of his hand as the weight of the coppers replaced her touch. Reed ground his teeth. He could not let himself loose with this woman. He had to maintain control.

  “Reed, right?”

  “Yup.” He kept his answer short and clipped. No reason to draw anything out. Yet his heart thumped a rapid beat despite his efforts to refuse her presence effected him.

  Clover took a sip of her bitter and slid onto the stool. Oh, shit. He could hold out. He needed to ignore her. She’s another paying customer, nothing more. Reed wiped the counter in front of her and then slowly made his way further down the bar. He smiled at a few of the patrons but kept to himself as he cleaned up the sticky alcohol.

  “How come I get the feeling you’re trying to get away from me?” She countered him at the end of the bar.

  “Because I am.” No reason to lie about it. The colder he played, maybe the more it would make her believe he didn’t want her. On the other hand, perhaps he was trying to convince himself of it.

  Clover gave a pout. “I don’t think I’m going to make it that easy on you.” She leaned over the bar so her next words would only be heard by him. “The last time we saw each other I’m quite sure you wanted to do something with me.”

  Reed sucked in air remembering how her lips felt. Clover tore apart his resolve. Why’d she have to be so forth coming? Why’d he have to be attracted to her? “What do you want from me?”

  “Everything.” Her eyes slid over his body and Reed could have sworn she actually touched the sensitive flesh beneath his clothes. A gentle caress and he hardened despite his best efforts.

  He narrowed his eyes on her. “Careful or you might get more than you bargained for.” Oh, for the love of snails, he flirted back as if he had no control over his body at all. That was all he needed was to get strung along again.

  Clover slid over the counter and Reed let the bar fall to the back of his mind. His gaze held hers, sure he’d fall into their depths. She pulled her warm body right up alongside of his. “Only one problem, I’m cursed.”

  That caught his attention and brought him back to reality. “Cursed? By whom? How?” What did that even mean?

  “Malik. But I can reverse it if you are willing to help me. The Sage witch— crap. He’s calling me back already.” Her beautiful features scrunched together. Did that happen last time, this Malik made her vanish? Without thinking about it, he grabbed her arms and tried to hold her with him. Inside, he desperately wanted to help her, though he had no clue why. Her body dissolved before him just like last time, no matter how tight his grip.

  Chapter Eight

  It was a damn good thing Clover had gone out to find the objects she needed to get rid of the curse before she saw Reed. When she slipped over the counter, she hid the ginger root and basil leaves behind the bar. It wasn’t exactly easy to keep his attention and slip the herbs back in the corner behind a bottle of Jack. She hoped not many elves drank such a harsh human whiskey. But damned if just the sight of him didn’t cause her core to stir. And when she slid up against him, she lost her train of thought to hide the bag.

  His muscles were strong and lean against her. The mint smell surrounded her and she really wished he’d touch her. Then she felt him harden against her. How would it feel to have him inside her? It wouldn’t matter if she didn’t lift the curse, and that’s why she’d told him about Malik. She gave Reed just enough information to not only question her words, but also seek the answer. His reaction proved he wanted her. It wasn’t yet love, but it was a hell of a start.

  The lover’s kiss ingredient was well on its way. She had to get a piece of Malik and the nightshade. When Clover materialized before Malik, she dropped her black panties and flipped them into his awaiting grubby hands. He repulsed her to the extent that she always avoided touching his.

  “If I weren’t a goblin, little morsel, I’d have you all to myself. Your desire is exquisite, especially with this new male you are using.” He ran a leather finger across her jaw. His beady eyes sparkled with lust. “I wonder if I could get the same reaction.”

  Clover knocked his hand away, and her stomach twisted. She’d rather die before he touched her sexually. A wicked grin spread across his face. She glared.

  “You’re mine either way. You’re the best I’ve found thus far. Since you’re an elf, you’ll last a while. Perhaps you’ll come to appreciate me despite your debt. I could enamor you.”

  Clover didn’t bother to say anything. Nothing good would come from her lips and it would probably piss him off. Which is not what she wanted. She bit her tongue, swallowing a retort.

  “Go inside, eat. I’ll be back after a while. I have a lady friend waiting for me to take her out. Perhaps I’ll sate my desire there and think of you while I fuck her.”

  Clover lost it then. “You disgust me.” Her words spewed out of her mouth before she realized what she said. He baited her on purpose and she fell for it. She had known her place since the beginning. He’d made it perfectly clear that if she disobeyed him, he could not only make her do his bidding anyways like a little magical puppet, but he’d also be sure she regretted it by adding to her sentence. Though he never told her how long she’d be in debt. After the last two years, no matter what she did, she wouldn’t be freed by him anyway. Still, she knew she shouldn’t have reacted; she needed to be able to leave the house later with him gone.

  Malik grabbed a hold of her arm and twisted it up behind her back pinning her against his disgusting green flesh. He smelled like rotten fish up close, and her nose crinkled up. His eyes bored into her, seeing through her, and she was sure he’d eat her soul with his glare. He leaned in, his head coming just above her breasts. His tongue slipp
ed out and tasted her flesh. Goose bumps zipped down her body and she tried to break free. His hold only tightened, crushing her against him. She could fill him hardening against her leg.

  “You’re already wet. I could claim you. Didn’t you say you wanted to have an orgasm, that it was torture not having one?” Malik’s words came out low and sinister.

  Clover suddenly regretted ever wanting an orgasm, or at least telling him so.

  She held her breath. Oh God. He’s going to take me. Clover fought harder and he let her break away. His laughter filled the air between them. Her chest heaved with fear, her breath coming in hard gasps.

  “However, it wouldn’t satisfy me little morsel. You could never please me properly.” He walked past her, laughing as he strut to his lab to make more human potions.

  Clover’s legs shook as she inched slowly inside holding on to the wall for support. She tentatively made her way to her bedroom. She no longer held any interest in eating. Her stomach lurched and she swallowed the bile that threatened to come up. He wouldn’t touch her...he would not touch her. She repeated it over and over while she lay on her bed and wrapped lethargic arms around herself. Deep down, her awareness told her Malik could do whatever he wanted and there was little she could do about it in reality. No one planned her rescue and if she didn’t find all the ingredients, without getting caught, she wouldn’t be able to save herself either.

  Clover didn’t know how long she laid there, but she finally heard the front door open and shut. She bolted up from the bed. Her hands shook. She needed out, had to get the hell away from him, as far as she could go. The elven realm would do the trick and she could get the nightshade. She grabbed the bag Idis gave her to travel back and forth between realms. She opened the bag and a silver light shot out. She flew instantly into the nether and then to Hemlock Grove. She tucked the bag away. Nightshade liked the shady areas. Clover started by trees where the leaves created cover from the sun. She looked for the long stems with the dull green leaves. This time of the year, the berries should be ripe and black. Her eyes scanned tree after tree until finally she found some. In her haste to get away, she completely forgot the bag to put it in.