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Tempting Clover (The Trouble With Elves Book 2) Page 5

  “I can break the curse at great cost. The better question is how will she keep Malik from taking her again.”

  “And do you know the answer?” He rubbed the back of his neck hoping to curb some of the throbbing.

  “I can’t possibly know that answer. It’s her will alone that drives her. She’s strong. I saw it within her. But she needs someone to stand beside her. Two wills are better than one.”

  “What could I do?” Other than punch an ugly green face in.

  “When the time comes, you’ll know.”

  Riddles. Wonderful. “I don’t need a puzzle old woman. I need answers.” He wanted to slam his fist down on something in outrage, but he nary had the energy or something to pound it on. Where was the blond when he needed an outlet?

  “This I cannot give you, for I can’t see the future. I’m a simple sage witch. My magic only holds the power of the earth for so long and then it must be given back. It does not tell me what lies ahead. It’s not some crystal ball set for the future. It’s pure clean magic, given freely from Mother Earth.”

  Reed’s head spun. He didn’t need this right now. “Do you know where she is? Clover, the elf girl?”

  “I suppose with Malik. But I do expect she’ll come here when she has found all of the ingredients for the spell to reverse the curse. Most is here already.” She glanced at the bag of herbs and back to Reed.

  Well, he sure as slug slime wasn’t up to moving far. He’d have to conserve his energy and wait. If Clover had set her mind to come to the witch’s house, then he’d wait for her and recover. Perhaps he would be of some use if he healed a while. He clenched his fists, angry that he let the blond get the drop on him in the first place.

  He’d been trained better than that by his father. He’d been taught to fight at a young age, the skills honed, and should have known. He hadn’t anticipated the elf being insane though, and his focus remained too much on Clover that he hadn’t been prepared. He mentally slapped himself for the mistake. He wouldn’t allow it to happen again. Females were pure undiluted trouble. A mix of minx and lust. Addled an elf’s brain.

  The thought of Clover made his cock perk up, her warm body pressed against his, the smell of cinnamon wafting in the air. He groaned inwardly and closed his eyes. He took one, two, three deep breathes trying to rid himself of the stirring in his groin, the desire to have her. To feel her thin body crushed beneath his. “What if she doesn’t show up?” He worried for her safety. A deep gnawing started in his gut.

  “Then there is nothing I can do for her, elf. Pray for her miracle.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Clover’s eyes closed briefly and flashed open. No sleep. Malik’s beady eyes ravaged over her, desire clear in his gaze. She let him come close. His smell made her jaw clench. She grabbed a drawer as her body swayed ever so slightly, yet it felt like she bobbed at sea. The drawer would come open and then close. Malik steadied her with one nasty hand on her side.

  “You are beautiful for an elf. It was a blessing you came upon my door that night. When I saw you, soaked, shivering, a little lost. I knew I had to have you. I wanted to save you, and then I couldn’t let you go. I’ll never let you go.”

  Clover swallowed. Malik brought his green palm up and cupped her face. She slipped her hand inside the drawer. She needed better grounding then his grip. She wanted to let her head fall back and yet part of her screamed in the background to break away, free herself from his grasp. She lacked the strength.

  “If I were capable of love, that is what I would call what I feel for you, Pet. Of course, goblins don’t feel love. Guilt at times, madness always, but love—never.”

  Her fingers graced upon a knife handle in the drawer. She suddenly wanted him closer. She pulled him toward her. “So’s you want me? Is that what you’re saying?” She wished she had a better handle on her sentences and words. They came out all wrong. But her hand griped the knife firmly. She let her mind grab onto it to, allowing the energy to not be wasted. She waited for him to come into her. He did slowly.

  His face nuzzled between her breasts and then he kissed his way up her neck leaving a trail of slimy wetness. Her body wanted to recoil from his gross caresses, but she willed it to stay put. He reached her ear and whispered, “I want you, Clover.”

  She yanked out the knife as fast as she could. Her hand shook as she slowly brought it up to his ear as if she intended to caress him. She clenched her teeth concentrating on keeping her movements steady. She had to guess the correct area. The drugs in her system made it difficult to gauge where things were. When she thought she was as close as she could be, she stabbed him, sliding the knife down his face. His skin tugged at the sharp edge a little, but gave way faster than Clover expected. Warm, wet, blood trickled over her fingers as she successfully cut off his ear. It slid down the side off his face. It plopped to the floor in slow motion. Clover swallowed her disgust. A howl rushed from his lips and he fell back in shock. Green blood leaked from the wound and had spread all over her and the floor. She dropped the knife and latched on to the removed ear. She sprung to her feet a great deal quicker than she hoped for and rushed into the lab tripping over herself and running into the door frame. Her feet didn’t move exactly straight. She reacted worse than being drunk because she could think properly but her body didn’t respond correctly. She narrowed in her sight, found the belladonna, and stumbled for it. Malik cursed in the kitchen.

  “There is no escape, pet.”

  Clover could hear his boots as they clomped in her direction, a slow menacing pace, closer and closer. Her heart thundered in her chest as she finally caught the nightshade and crushed it to her chest for safekeeping. Thankful she kept a hold of the witch’s magic pouch. She opened it as quick as she could and looked up in time to see the silver magic brightening the room and Malik’s grizzled face contorted in a pissed off mask. Then she found herself blissfully in the nether and seconds later, in Hemlock Grove.

  Clover fell to her knees, inhaling the clean smell of earth and plants. “Idis!” she called out. The leaflet rested beyond, but she knew she wouldn’t make it without help. She fell forward and her hands barely caught her with them clutching the ear and belladonna, trying desperately to keep herself from crushing the berries. Her head spun, her body ached and felt too heavy to keep up. Please. “Please Idis...” She sobbed, no longer able to contain the hurt and pain. The fear consumed her and she desperately wanted to feel safe again, warm, and free. Her heart ached and poured into every tear. She hit the ground with a fist, lashing out in her own frustrated anger.

  “It’s all right, child. I’m here. Let me help you in. I have soup for you.”

  Clover’s stomach rolled. “No food—” and she lost her dinner all over the ground. She heaved over and over, her stomach pouring out the tainted food, like expelling toxic waste from her body. It occurred to her she should have allowed herself to puke sooner and perhaps it wouldn’t have gotten as far into her system. Idis rubbed her back and encouraged her forward.

  “No food. It’s okay. You’ll eat when you can. Come in and rest.”

  “I have it.” Clover jutted the ear and nightshade with berries intact at the old woman who calmly took them and walked her swaying form into the hut.

  Once she stepped through the door, a familiar voice fell on her ears, “Clover, what happened?” Warm arms wrapped around her and she sank into them, the smell of mint and sage mingling in her senses. She inhaled deeply and could no longer help herself. Tears flowed freely and she didn’t care. She hated Malik. She hated herself. She tried to push Reed away, but he only held her tighter. “It’s okay. I’ve got you now, and I’m not letting go. I don’t know why or how but I’m drawn to you in a way I’ve never been drawn to any female. I don’t plan on leaving you to deal with this alone.”

  What did he mean? That he cared? “You barely know me. I’m a floozy, so you claimed when we met.” Her voice broke several times before she finally gained control of herself and pulled away from R
eed’s chest. He let her.

  “I barely know you, but I have started falling for you, nonetheless. Since you slammed the blond’s hand down on that cup at the bar, I’ve cared for you, and then when you backed me into a wall, I knew I’d never be rid of your memory. Despite my attempts to keep you out. I need to be with you, I want to help you break free, Clover. Let me.”

  She did need him. Her heart responded with a calmer beat and she exhaled. It seemed so unreal. She knew next to nothing of him either, yet he had pulled a desire from her even Malik drooled over. Clover shuddered thinking of the goblin. “Idis, he’ll come for me.” Her head began to straighten. She noticed she didn’t feel as dizzy anymore and she could hold her head up without a struggle.

  “I know. For now, you are safe. I can only ward him off for a little while.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Clover had fallen in and out of sleep as Idis helped her clean up and into fresh clothes. It was a sun dress and not heavy enough for the chill biting at the early morning air. Twilight graced the land and according to the witch, was the perfect time to do the reversal spell. Her stomach fluttered as she thought about the spell. What if she messed up?

  Reed hadn’t spoken much more since Clover first arrived, but he watched her, his eyes constantly on her, following her every move. She supposed it should creep her out, but it didn’t feel bad, more like he was guarding her, not letting her leave his sight. After she cleaned up, they gathered the herbs and the ear before they headed for the hill behind Idis’s hut. Despite her exhaustion, she continued on. Every hour, every minute longer was just another second closer to Malik finding her. Clover shivered.

  The short but steep walk over grass and flowers caused Clover’s legs to burn as she reached the top. The sun barely crested the horizon. The colors mingling together in yellows and oranges trying to break over the edge but not quite making it. A beautiful and fresh view. Alive and vibrant. Calm and exciting. Everything all at once. The grace swayed in the light breeze fluttering over the hill and clear sky. It gave her hope. Clover would be free and her heart soared. Out here, she could release herself, wild, untamed, uncaged. No room out in the open to trap her. Sunlight beckoned to her soul.

  “Clover, it’s time. Kneel before me.” Idis already stooped on the ground. Clover obeyed. The grass crushed beneath her itching her bare flesh. “Now, take out the basil first, then the ginger root, last the ear, and lay them on top of each other in that order.”

  Clovers hands shook as she removed the herbs and the ear from the wrappings. It took her a few seconds to get them undone. Then she laid one upon the other carefully. She wanted to do this right, no mistakes.

  “Take out the deadly nightshade and I will tell you when to eat the berries. It will come one at a time.”

  Clover nodded. She removed the belladonna from its wrap and carefully pulled the berries from its grasp. The stem held them tighter than Clover had expected and she tried not to use too much force and crush the berries. It reminded her of Malik’s hold on her. She detained the berries in her hand, cradled them as if they were the source of her life, and in essence, she could see they were. They would bring her new life. The witch lit the pile of herbs and goblin on fire. It smoked up black and billowy then calmed, and a fire sprouted from the smoke in a small purple blaze. The smell of rot drifted to her nose and Clover scrunched her face.

  “Mother Earth; grant me your strength and love.

  I will it, so shall it be.

  Wind, grant me your breeze and calm,

  I will it, so shall it be.

  Fire, grant me your strength and courage,

  I will it, so shall it be.

  Water, grant me your sustenance and rejuvenation,

  I will it, so shall it be.”

  The fire rose at her words, the breeze danced around her wild white hair, and the grass reached up to touch the witch. The rain sprung, but Clover could see no clouds.

  “I shun the darkness that is twisting your soul!” Idis laid her hands upon Clover and a jolt ran through her body cause her to straighten. “Eat the first one.”

  Clover’s hand shook as she plucked one deadly berry from the three and slipped it between her lips. She crushed it with her teeth and a sweet taste ran amok in her mouth. A tingling started at the back of her throat, then engulfed the rest of her body, and she swayed.

  “Heed my words dark one, you cannot keep her. I remove the curse. So shall it be.” Idis again placed her hands on Clover’s body and a shock riveted through her system causing the tingle to turn into a slow burn. “Eat the second berry.”

  Clover did as told, popping it quickly into her mouth now that she knew what to expect. Only this time, her skin felt like it crawled from her body with a prickling sensation. The berry slid down her throat and the magic intensified the results. The land beyond stretched out into an infinite canvas. The yellows swirled in and out of reds as if they danced with each other. They swirled terrifyingly beautiful and tears fell along her cheek. But she dared not rub them away. She no longer heard Idis call her. The colors flew over to her, circling her hands and her stomach, gripping at her at first light and then they were strangling her like a boa constrictor bringing her back down to reality. The sky had darkened with clouds and the wind whipped at Idis, trying to throw her off balance. Clover thought she saw a giant whisping green hand pushing on Idis, but a great barrier protected her.

  “Eat the final berry!” Idis screamed over and over.

  Clover threw it in her mouth, swallowing it whole. Again, the colors attacked her. This time, they were green with beady eyes. She knew Malik had come for her, and the nightmare of his torment to come flashed through her mind.

  “You can’t escape me, Pet.” A wicked laugh echoed in her ears and the constriction continued rising up to her neck. Despair clung at her insides and coaxed bile from the back of her throat. Clover swallowed repeatedly. This was the berries playing with her mind. He was a hallucination.

  “Reed, kiss her! You’re the final element.”

  Reed’s expression revealed his shock as his eyes widened. Clover clutched at her throat trying to gain access to air. Her lungs burned, screaming for the sweet breath. She pleaded with Reed through her eyes. He shook his head as if knocking away some strange sensation and then covered the distance between them. His hand grabbed her cheek and held her still as his lips gently took over hers, coaxing the evil to leave her. As if a hand had released her airway, wonderful, cool air filled her lungs the moment his lips fell on hers, warm and inviting. She gasped. She could breath! Clover kissed him back and a hunger took her as she realized she wanted to love this man. He was here, and he did it. The deeper his kiss the freer she felt and she encouraged him to devour her essence, to bring her back and sweep her away again.

  An angry howl came out behind Clover, and they broke the kiss. She turned to find Malik staring at them with murder in his eyes. His hand came up and Reed flew back from Clover. Idis reached for her and the goblin grabbed the old witch out of thin air, even though he didn’t stand anywhere near her, and then slammed her down to the ground, pinning Idis firmly to the dirt. Clover tried to run over and check on her as she saw no movement from the woman, but an invisible force stopped her.

  “I told you, little morsel. You. Belong. To me.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Reed took his time getting to his feet. He moved slower than he even thought possible. Inch by inch, trying not to disturb the sticks or dirt around him too much. He had no desire to be put down again before he even managed anything. He didn’t want to catch the goblin’s attention. Malik had Clover held in place and slowly sauntered over to her. His black eyes never left her body. So that was a goblin. Ugly little things. Reed assumed the curse had broke or the goblin wouldn’t have come so far with so much anger. He had to figure out a way to help her. He knew little to nothing about goblins and what might anger them, or make them lose control. He figured he’d have to take a stab in the dark and hope he got
it right the first time.

  “Clover.” Malik stretched out her name. “You are something else entirely. What a wonderful surprise to find you had escaped. Running off without permission is one thing, but escaping? It’s been years since I’ve had a good challenge, and that will make you sweeter when I win fully. This time when I curse you, you’ll be mine... forever.” His grin widened showing jagged white teeth. He reached over and ran fingers along her bare arm. He tangled his fist in her hair then leaned in to smell her. Clover’s eyes closed and Reed could see her disgust.

  “Now I just have to break your will, and all shall be done. I’ll have your soul for eternity. Frankly, I’m surprised it took you this long. So obedient, so sure I’d let you go, eventually.” His hand wrapped into a fist and Clover dropped to her knees. Her eyes shot open and glared at the goblin. There was the elfess Reed knew. The one that backed him into a wall and smashed a hand on his bar.

  Reed stood ready to face Malik. “Hey, slug slime!” he called out effectively drawing the goblin’s gaze. “Why don’t you give me a go?” The goblin’s eyes narrowed. He definitely had his attention.

  “You, a simple elf? You’re nothing. I could crush you with my pinky.” Malik pushed his pinky out and curled it back in, as if it would intimidate Reed.

  “What using magic? That’s not challenging and proves nothing but your weakness. You are a goblin, powerful, and cunning. Why don’t you prove it to me, little green man.” He was sticking his foot in his mouth and he knew it, but wanted to give Clover a chance to escape. If he could last long enough to divert Malik’s attention, then she might have a chance.